Essential Reads From Our BookClub

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There have been many people who have had a glimpse of what this book is all about, but none, to my knowledge, has put together a comprehensive rationale such as you will see here. Read it with an open mind and you will discover an exciting new financial world!

In A Path to Financial Peace of Mind

Financial expert Dwayne Burnell challenges traditional financial advice and presents a proven strategy for building and managing wealth that has been overlooked by mainstream media. The book provides case studies and examples to illustrate the impact of time, interest, and risk on your finances. You will learn how to protect your savings from stock market volatility and achieve consistent growth while maintaining liquidity.

In building Your warehouse of wealth

In ‘BUILDING YOUR WAREHOUSE OF WEALTH’, Nelson Nash provides another generous helping of his inimitable wit and financial wisdom. Longtime fans will recognize the themes, but will be delighted by new material and insights. This book may be the single best introduction to Nash’s worldview, which focuses on the benefits of whole life insurance but is infused with Nelson’s faith in God and distrust in politicians!”

— Robert P. Murphy PhD
Co-Author of ‘How Privatized
Banking Really Works’

The Case for IBC

Do you know that something is fundamentally wrong with our financial system, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? For years, through his seminars and best-selling book, R. Nelson Nash has been teaching the public how to “become your own banker.” Nash’s revolutionary approach is the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), which uses specially designed Whole Life insurance policies as the perfect cashflow management vehicles. The book is quick and readable, explaining IBC to the newcomer and also defusing some of the toughest objections. Whether you are running a household or a multimillion-dollar business, you owe it to yourself to examine The Case for IBC.

Buy both of Nelson’s books together to save!

“Becoming Your Own Banker” introduces a new financial concept using dividend-paying whole life insurance, requiring an open mind and multiple readings to fully grasp its potential.

“Building Your Warehouse of Wealth” is a passionate, personal testament addressing a financial problem and solution, promising immense benefits to its readers.

— Carlos Lara
Co-Author of ‘How Privatized Banking Really Works’

How Privatized Banking Really Works

The book that R. Nelson Nash believes should be required reading for anyone interested in Becoming Your Own Banker. What if there was a solution to government intervention and our current money madness? Would you hesitate one minute in wanting to know what it is? Of course not! No one would. The problem is so pervasive that a solution seems impossible and yet, there is a solution. This solution’s only requirement is the action of a single person acting in a manner to help only himself, but in so acting ultimately he helps all of society.

“Lara and Murphy have demystified fractional reserve banking, and made it clear: We’re getting ripped off!

Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Author of the New York Times Bestseller ‘Meltdown and The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History’

Financial Independence in the 21st Century

We hear the same financial advice recycled time and time again: put your money in a 401(k), pay off your house and hope for the best. What if there is a better way to manage your money and your future other than hoping your money will grow in an unpredictable market? This book opens you to new financial possibilities. You can set yourself on a different financial path—one that enables you to reach a level of financial security, control and independence you might never have thought possible. Begin the journey now. An exciting future awaits.
“We live in a world of mixed-up thinking. Using easy-to-follow examples and case studies, Dwayne and Suzanne Burnell unravel the nonsense that is prevalent today.”            

— R. Nelson Nash
Author of ‘Becoming Your Own Banker’

The Pension Idea

Pensions in America as we know them today began during World War II. Before that time the idea was practically non-existent. Everything was “frozen” during the war.

When you went to buy gasoline it didn’t matter how much money you had. The limiting factor was the A, B, or C sticker on the windshield of your car. Some government bureaucrat determined how much you “needed.” When the housewife went to buy groceries, there were “ration points” that determined how much meat she could buy, how much of the other staples of life, etc, etc.” A Socialist’s paradise! The same idea applied to wages – they were “frozen”.

Under such an environment, how can you give someone a pay raise without “giving a pay raise”? Benefits, of course!! This was also a function of the IRS Code, which began in 1913. The monster has accelerated and now the inevitable results are beginning to manifest themselves. Pension plans and all other such “IRS qualified plans” are self-destructing. Not long after WWII, in 1950, Paul Poirot of the Foundation for Economic Education wrote a little book, THE PENSION IDEA, in which he demonstrated that the idea would never work. His prophecy is now apparent. The publication has been out of print for many years.

Financial Independence in the 21st Century

The 50 page leather bound financial plan that you receive from the well known company with the large advertising budget is at best a snapshot of a snapshot of a fantasy. It is out of date when you receive it and out of touch with the reality of your life’s daily challenges. Think about it. Do you rush to the bookshelf to pull out your neatly bound financial plan when your family face a crisis and you need money?

Follow the practices outlined in Money for Life…in good times and bad and you too will have the foundation and the framework that guarantees peace of mind about money and about life…in good times and bad

“The significant problems we have cannont be sovled at the same level of thinking with which we created them”

– Albert Einstein​

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